Friday, September 20, 2024


U.S. forces release 47 Fallujans

ANBAR / U.S. forces released on Saturday 47 local residents of Falluja who had been detained in the Bocca prison, a police source in the city said. “The U.S. military handed 47 Bocca detainees to the Falluja police department for immediate release after checking their criminal records,” the source told “This batch of release detainees is not the first. Other groups of prisoners had been set freed,” the source added. The U.S. forces had released about 150 Fallujans since the beginning of October. Harith al-Obaidi, a member of the Iraqi parliament’s human rights committee, has told in late September that the U.S. side set free 16,000 Iraqis from Bocca, the largest U.S. incarceration facility and is based in Basra, the largest city in southern Iraq. The U.S. forces keep Iraqi detainees in two main prisons: Krupper, which is close to the U.S. base in Baghdad Airport, western Baghdad, and other is Bocca. Falluja, the largest city in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 45 km west of Baghdad. Anbar’s capital, al-Ramadi, is 110 km west of Baghdad. AmR (S)/SR 1