Friday, September 20, 2024


We are victims of Arab-Kurd conflict – Christian MP

BAGHDAD / A Christian lawmaker on Monday said that Iraqi Christians have become victims of the Arab-Kurd conflict, after Iraq’s council of representatives amended the provincial elections law in a way that damaged Christians, calling on the Presidential Board to vote down the amendment. “The amendment was disappointing,” Yonadim Kena told “We have become victims of the Arab-Kurd conflict that negatively affected us,” he said. “Religious extremism is still a phenomenon in the country, and this is a dig problem within this critical stage that Iraq experiences,” he added. “Christians will demand presidency council to vote down the amendment,” he noted. Earlier, Iraqi legislatures had to choose among three options, but 106 of them out of 150 who attended the parliament’s voting session voted for one seat for minorities (including Christians) at each of the councils of Baghdad, Ninewa and Basra provinces. MH (P)/SR 1