Saturday, September 21, 2024


Civilian killed, 2 wounded in Mosul attack

NINEWA / A civilian man was killed and two of his brothers wounded in an attack by unidentified gunmen in eastern Mosul city, a police source in Ninewa province said on Tuesday. “Gunmen shot down a civilian man and wounded two of his brothers in an armed attack in al-Tahrir neighborhood, eastern Mosul, on Monday night,” the source told “The three brothers are local residents of Talafar district, (60 km) west of Mosul,” the source said, adding “they were on a visit to a relative when gunmen opened fire at them before they escaped to an unknown place”. “The body was removed to a morgue while the wounded were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment,” he said. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1