Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Three new sewage projects in Thi-Qar

THI-QAR / Manager of Thi-Qar sewage directorate on Thursday said that three sewage projects were opened in the province today, with a total cost of $3.35 million. “The first project is a rain water lift station, with a maximum capacity of 7,200 cubic meters,” Engineer Riyadh al-Mosawi told “The second project is a combined lift station, with a capacity of 660 cubic meters of sewage water, and 500 cubic meters of rain water,” he said. “While the third one is a collective unit of a capacity of 10,000 cubic meters,” he added. Nassiriya, the capital city of Thi-Qar province, lies 380 km south of Baghdad . MH (P)/SH 1