Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Joint forces kill AQI leader

BAGHDAD / A prominent al-Qaeda-in-Iraq (AQI) leader was killed in the north of the Iraqi capital during an operation by Iraqi forces, Sahwa fighters and coalition forces, according to a U.S. army statement. “A senior al-Qaida in Iraq leader was killed Nov. 6 in the Tarmiyah area, north of Baghdad, during a combined cache-clearing operation by Iraqi Security Forces and Sons of Iraq, supported by coalition forces,” read the statement that was received by “Abu Ghazwan was a key link in the network operations for al-Qaida in Iraq and killed during the cache-site raid. Ghazwan commanded numerous terrorists’ cells in the Taji and Tarmiyah areas, and advised and financed other terrorist cells throughout northern Iraq. He was also responsible for building and facilitating vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices in the Baghdad area. Additionally, he was responsible for other terrorist groups, which recruit and train children and females to conduct suicide attacks against ISF and CF.” “The combined forces, based on tips from local citizens about possible enemy activities and caches at three locations, moved to the areas to investigate,” the statement noted. “The combined patrol found nothing at the first location and proceeded to the second location where they detained a suspected AQI member. The individual is suspected of working for Ghazwan and has a Government of Iraq warrant for alleged terrorist activities…,” the statement explained. “The patrol then moved to a house in a third location. While they were at the house, an unknown explosion detonated behind it, followed by small-arms fire. The patrol returned fire in the direction of the explosion. Two SoI members were wounded in the explosion.” “While further searching the area, an SoI member discovered a trail booby trapped with grenades and an unidentified individual hiding in grass. The individual showed no movement or response to the patrol’s commands and it was later determined the individual, Ghazwan, was killed as a result of SoI and IA small-arms fire. Ghazwan was positively identified by Coalition forces and his body turned over to the Iraqi Army,” according to the statement. SS (S) 1