Friday, September 27, 2024


Bad milk imported by MOT – MP

BAGHDAD / Head of the Iraqi parliament’s integrity committee on Thursday said that the Iraqi Ministry of Trade (MoT) imported five million kg of Chinese manufactured milk, despite the importation of this product being prohibited worldwide, because it causes cancer. “This quantity of that milk will be distributed to 14 Iraqi provinces,” Sabah al-Saadi told “If the milk is distributed, two thirds of Iraqi people may face death or poisoning,” he said. “On August 26, 2007, the Iraqi minister of trade approved the deal of importing this milk,” he added. “The deal was not achieved after competition between companies, and payment to the supplying company had been made in cash on the contrary of the MOT’s procedures,” he noted. “We have been demanding to interrogate the trade minister, but political sides have been curbing this issue,” he asserted. MH (P)/SR 1