Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqis should not be deceived by mottoes within U.S. security pact – Larijani

Iraq-Iran BAGHDAD / Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that Iraqi nation and government still have time to resist yielding to signing a security pact with US, advised them not to be deceived by mottoes within it, and articles on time schedules in it. “Larijani, speaking at a commemoration service for martyred commanders and 6,000 other martyrs of Qom Province, reiterated this point,” Iranian news agency IRNA reported. “The Iraqi sources of jurisprudence, government and nation have so far resisted very well against signing the security pact whose main purpose is strengthening comprehensive US hegemony in Iraq.” He added, “Yet, at the present moment, the Iraqi nation and parliament should realize that the time for resistance is not over yet.” The former Iranian top nuclear negotiator reiterated, “The United States had assumed if it would frown it would easily manage to stabilize the status of its military bases and its armed forces in Iraq for good, but Washington soon realized that the politically mature and combatant Iraqi nation would deprive them of the chance to remain in there much longer.” Larijani added, “With this so called security pact they were after turning Iraq into another US state, but the Iraqi sources of jurisprudence, government, and nation resisted for eight months and changed the articles of the pact seven times.” He reiterated, “In the original text of the pact the US forces were to be allowed to enter the Iraqi soil free from any type of inspections, and to establish military bases there, from which they could launch land and air attacks against any third country, but those articles are changed today, and all the same, the Iraqi Parliament should still resist.” Larijani stressed, “The United States arrived in Afghanistan in the year 2001 chanting the slogan of campaign against terrorism and the trafficking of narcotic drugs. Later on, they arrived in Iraq chanting human rights and democracy mottoes, but none of those objectives are yet materialized. SH (S)/SR 1