Friday, September 20, 2024


Talabani discusses SOFA details with Crocker, Satterfield

BAGHDAD / Iraqi President Jalal Talabani received at his office in Baghdad U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and David Satterfield, the official in charge of Iraqi affairs in the U.S. State Department, to discuss positive points in the security pact, approved by the Iraqi cabinet on Sunday. “The president stressed points pertaining to Iraq’s sovereignty and independence as well as maintaining security and stability, launching an economic boom, reconstruction and Iraq’s exit from Chapter VII of the UN Charter and foreign interventions,” according to a statement published by the presidency web site as received by on Tuesday. Iraq is still under Chapter VII, which imposed on it after its troops invaded neighboring Kuwait in 1990. It sanctions use of force against Iraq on the grounds that it “threatens international security”. According to the chapter also, large sums of Iraq’s accounts in world banks are frozen in order to pay damages for those harmed by the invasion of Kuwait. Talabani’s meeting with Crocker and Satterfield also dealt with developments in Iraq after the cabinet endorsed the long-term security pact between Baghdad and Washington, also known as the status-of-forces agreement (SOFA), with an overwhelming majority of 27 votes to one. Crocker welcomed the Iraqi cabinet’s endorsement of the agreement, hoping it would be passed by the Iraqi parliament and presidential council. AmR (S) 1