Friday, September 20, 2024


Week for combating violence against women starts in Arbil

ARBIL / Iraqi Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Nejervan Barazani will sponsor a week dedicated to combating violence against women, scheduled to start on Wednesday in the city of Arbil, a Kurdish official said on Tuesday. “The week will discuss women-related issues and means to raise the society’s awareness on the need to curb violence against women,” George Mansour, the region’s minister for civil society’s affairs, told “The event, the first of its kind in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, will run for seven days in the Kurdish provinces of Arbil, Duhuk and Sulaimaniya,” he said, adding the inaugural ceremonies will take place in an outdoor souk (market) in Arbil city. “Civil society and women organizations will take part in the event,” Mansour added. AmR (P) 1