Saturday, September 28, 2024


Pact realizes U.S. interests – Islamic party

BAGHDAD / Spokesman for the Islamic Party Saleem al-Juburi said on Thursday that the agreement of withdrawing troops from Iraq realizes U.S. interests. “We asked for several amendments because the agreement realizes the U.S. interests,” al-Juburi said during the parliament’s session. He called for holding a referendum on the security deal. Today’s session witnessed heated argument between Speaker of the parliament Mahmoud al-Mashhadani and Sadrist lawmakers who protested the second reading of the deal. The Iraqi cabinet endorsed the controversial pact, also known as the status-of-forces agreement (SOFA), by an overwhelming majority of 27 votes to 1. The Iraqi and U.S. sides have been negotiating a long-term security deal during the past months. The pact should determine the legal framework for the U.S. presence in Iraq after the end of this year, when the international mandate granted by the UN Security Council to the U.S. army to intervene in Iraq is due to expire. SH (P) 1