Friday, September 27, 2024


Security deal doesn’t guarantee Iraq’s full sovereignty

BAGHDAD / MP from the Iraqi National List (INL) Usama al-Negefi said on Thursday that his bloc believes the U.S. troops withdrawal agreement does not guarantee Iraq’s full sovereignty. “The agreement does not guarantee the full sovereignty as a foreign side will take part in it against the Iraqi citizens,” al-Negefi said in the parliament during debating the second reading of the agreement. “Iraqi citizen’s money could be confiscated and the agreement does not Iraq from any foreign aggression,” he said. “The pact could be canceled and the new U.S. administration could have another opinion,” the lawmaker noted. Today’s session witnessed heated argument between Speaker of the parliament Mahmoud al-Mashhadani and Sadrist lawmakers who protested the second reading of the deal. SH (P) 1