Friday, September 20, 2024


Deputy PM sees to release of 119 detainees from Krupper

BAGDHAD / Iraqi Deputy Premier Rafie al-Issawi on Saturday supervised the release of 119 detainees from Baghdad International Airport’s Krupper prison after they were proved not involved in the charges pressed against them. “A state that maintains the rule of law is the sole guarantee for freedom and preserving the security of its citizens,” Issawi was quoted in a statement by his office as received by “The government is serious about providing jobs that would offer your families a decent free life. We wish to have you back in the ordinary citizens’ ranks,” Issawi, addressing the released prisoners, said. More groups of detainees would be released as part of the national reconciliation initiative launched by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, according to the statement. AmR (P) 1