Saturday, September 28, 2024


Al-Qadisiya University prevents U.S. patrol from entering campus

DIWANIYA / Al-Qadisiya University on Sunday prevented a U.S. patrol from entering its campus, as the patrol had made no prior announcement, according to the university’s media director. “The patrol consisted of four vehicles,” Ali al-Zayiadi told “The University refused entrance onto the campus to the patrol’s elements (3km north of Diwaniya city) in their military uniform and vehicles, as this issue is considered a violation,” he said. “We explained to them that they can enter the campus in civilian uniform, with no guns, under the University’s security protection, and after allocating an appointment for them by the University,” he added. “The U.S. patrol understood the situation, and preferred to withdraw,” he noted without explaining why the patrol was intending to enter the campus. Diwaniya city lies 180 km south of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR   1