Friday, September 20, 2024


Weapons cache found in Falluja

Iraq-Cache ANBAR / Police forces on Tuesday found a weapons cache in the Falluja city, a police source said. “Acting on a tip-off, policemen found the depot in east of Karamat al-Falluja district in Shuwertan village,” the source told, noting that the depot was buried under agricultural land. “It contains eight Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 22 Katyusha rockets, 13 karad rockets, and 15 bombs,” he explained. Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. Anbar is the largest province in Iraq geographically. Encompassing much of the country’s western territory, it shares borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Anbar is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim Arab. Anbar’s main cities are Falluja, the capital Ramadi, Haditha, Hit, Aana and Rutba. The name of the province translates “granaries,” as this region was the primary entrepôt on the western borders of Lakhmid Kingdom. The province was known as Dulaim until 1962 when it was changed to Ramadi. In 1976 it was renamed al-Anbar. SH (P)/SR 1