Friday, September 20, 2024


1 killed, 10 captured throughout Iraq- MNF

BAGHDAD / One person was killed and 10 suspects were arrested during several security operations in different parts of Iraq throughout the past 24 hours, the Multi-National Force (MNF) said on Thursday. “One terrorist was killed and 10 suspects were detained during Coalition force operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist networks Wednesday and Thursday,” read an MNF statement received by “Coalition forces continued to degrade AQI networks in central Iraq Wednesday. Near Karmah, about 41 km west of Baghdad, forces targeted a wanted man assessed to have connections to a terrorist killed during an operation earlier this month. As the assault force entered the building believed to house the suspect, a man appeared with an AK-47. The force, perceiving hostile intent, returned fire and killed the armed terrorist. Forces then detained the targeted suspect and another individual believed to be his associate,” the statement noted. “Also Wednesday, forces detained five suspects during an operation targeting an AQI improvised explosive device operative in Tikrit, about 60 km north of Baghdad.” “AQI bombing networks were further degraded during an operation early Thursday near Bayji, about 160 km south of Mosul. There, forces captured an alleged IED cell operative. The wanted man surrendered himself to Coalition forces without incident. Two additional suspects were detained for further questioning,” it added. SS (S) 1