Saturday, September 21, 2024


Mosul blasts casualties reach 52

NINEWA / Casualties from the car bomb explosions that ripped through western Mosul city earlier today have reached 52, including 15 dead, a local security source said on Monday. “Two car bombs, one detonated by a suicide bomber and the other by means of remote control, targeted a national police patrol vehicle and U.S. forces in the New Mosul area (western Mosul), leaving 15 persons dead and 37 wounded,” the source told Earlier today, a medic from the al-Jumhuri Public Hospital in Mosul said that it had received 15 people killed and 25 others injured in casualties left by a blast in the western part of the city. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad SS (P) 1