Friday, September 20, 2024


Human Rights situation in Iraq still remains serious, says UNAMI

Iraq-UNAMI BAGHDAD / The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) on Tuesday said that the situation of the Human Rights in Iraq still remains serious despite the improvement in the security condition in the first half of 2008, according to a UNAMI report. The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) issued today its 13th report on the human rights situation in the country covering the period 1 January – 30 June 2008. “During the reporting period, Iraq has witnessed substantial improvements in general security conditions, with a marked drop in violent, high-visibility, high-casualty attacks by militias or criminal gangs, but the human rights situation in the country still remains serious,” said the report received by “Human rights violations that are less visible need to be documented, reported and exposed publicly,” said Staffan de Mistura, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-general for Iraq (SRSG). “With the support of the international community, we hope the government of Iraq will continue to address these violations and combat impunity.” “The targeted killings of journalists, educators, medical doctors, judges and lawyers has continued, as did criminal abductions for ransom during the first six months of 2008. As Iraqi security institutions slowly and progressively asserted their control of more territory, politicians, security officials, policemen and members of pro-government militias frequently came under attack by armed groups,” the report said. “During the reporting period, minorities continued to be the victims of targeted violence, threats, assassination and the destruction of property and cultural sites,” it noted. The report highlights the situation of detainees across the country that remains of serious concern, including in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Many detainees have been deprived of their liberty for month or even years, often under harsh physical conditions, without access to defense counsel, or without being formally charged with a crime or produced before a judge. Continuing allegations of widespread torture and ill-treatment of inmates are of particular concern. Slow bureaucratic procedures, insufficient resources, degraded infrastructure and lack of effective accountability measures result in inordinate delays in processing detainees’ cases. “The plight of women across Iraq still requires urgent measures to combat gender-based violence, including so-called honor crimes,” the report asserts. SH (I)/SR 1