Friday, September 20, 2024


Responding al-Maliki’s accusations attempt to correct situation – Kurdistan

Iraq-Kurdistan ARBIL / Head of the Kurdish presidency’s divan on Tuesday described the response of the Kurdish government to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s accusations as an attempt to correct the situation and get back to the constitution. “We tried to correct the situation with the Iraqi government because accusations made against us were related to the constitutional work in Kurdistan and the government of the region asserted in its response that it works according to the constitution and al-Maliki was the one who does not,” Fouad Hussein told Media adviser to Premier Nouri al-Maliki had said on Monday that the Iraqi federal government will respond to the points mentioned by the release issued by Kurdistan’s regional cabinet through an official release that will be issued by al-Maliki. the relation between Baghdad and Kurdistan region witnesses disagreements over forming the support councils in the disputed areas, oil contracts with the foreign companies as well as solving the disputed areas problem. SH (P)/SR 1