Friday, September 20, 2024


2 explosions leave 25 casualties in Falluja

Falluja-Explosions ANBAR / At least six people were killed and 16 others were wounded in two explosions in the city of Falluja, a police source said. “The first blast targeted al-Joulan police station in the city, killing 6 and injuring 16,” the source told “The second blast occurred near a police checkpoint in al-Shurta neighborhood in eastern Falluja, injuring three people,” he added. The forces sealed off the area and prevented media men from covering the incident. An eyewitness had said earlier that two simultaneous explosions were heard in Falluja city, leaving a number of casualties. Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. Anbar is the largest province in Iraq geographically. Encompassing much of the country’s western territory, it shares borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Anbar is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim Arab. Anbar’s main cities are Falluja, the capital Ramadi, Haditha, Hit, Aana and Rutba. The name of the province translates “granaries,” as this region was the primary entrepôt on the western borders of Lakhmid Kingdom. The province was known as Dulaim until 1962 when it was changed to Ramadi. In 1976 it was renamed al-Anbar. SH (S)/SR 1