Saturday, September 21, 2024


SIIC head, Bush discuss SOFA

BAGHDAD / During a phone call, the head of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC), Abdelaziz al-Hakeem, discussed with U.S. President George W. Bush the troop withdrawal pact, according to a council statement. “During a phone call yesterday, the officials discussed the significance of boosting friendship and cooperation between Iraq and the United States, especially after the Iraqi Parliament’s approval of the U.S. troop withdrawal agreement,” read the statement that was published on the official web site of the SIIC. On November 27, the Iraqi Parliament approved the security pact with the United States, also known as the Status-of-Forces Agreement (SOFA), with a majority of 149 votes to 35. The Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC) (previously known as Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)) is an Iraqi political party. Its political support comes from the country’s Shiite Muslim community. Prior to his assassination in August 2003, the council was led by Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakeem; its current leader is the ayatollah’s brother, Abdelaziz al-Hakeem. In light of its gains in both elections and government appointments, the council is one of Iraq’s most powerful political parties and the largest party in the Iraqi Council of Representatives. SS (P) 1