Friday, September 20, 2024


Several suspects nabbed in Falluja

ANBAR / A number of persons on Sunday were arrested in Falluja for their suspected involvement in two bombings that rocked the city last week, a local police chief said. “In light of intelligence tips, police forces on Sunday afternoon arrested several persons believed to be involved in the two bombings that recently occurred in the city,” Col. Mahmoud Fayyad told Last Thursday, seven persons were killed and 35 others were wounded in two simultaneous bombings that occurred in Falluja city. Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. Anbar is the largest province in Iraq geographically. Encompassing much of the country’s western territory, it shares borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Anbar is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim Arab. Anbar’s main cities are Falluja, the capital Ramadi, Haditha, Hit, Aana and Rutba. SS (P) 1