Saturday, September 21, 2024


Assyrian literature conf. held in Sulaimaniya

SULAIMANIYA / The Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya hosted on Sunday morning the 5th conference on Assyrian literature with the aim of promoting the Assyrian culture. “The three-day event, held under the rubric ‘Conference of the Man of Letters Father Bulus Baydari’, is attended by 32 researchers and specialists in the Assyrian language as well as Kurdish intellectuals and officials,” Nizar Hanna al-Dayrani, the chairman of the Assyrian Writers and Men of Letters Union, told The Assyrian Writers and Men of Letters Union was established in 1973. “The conference, held under the auspices of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, also aims to spread the Assyrian literature in Sulaimaniya,” he added. Sulaimaniya, one of the three Kurdish provinces in Iraq along with Arbil and Duhuk, lies 364 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 2