Monday, September 30, 2024


Iraqi detainee dies in Croper jail in Baghdad

Baghdad-Detainee BAGHDAD / An Iraqi detainee died after suffering a heart attack inside the Croper jail near the Baghdad International Airport, an official source said on Monday. “A 25-year-old Iraqi man died late Sunday from a heart attack after moving him to a special hospital for detainees inside the Croper jail near the airport,” Kriek al-Sayab, the advisor of the public affairs office on detainees affairs, told “He was not suffering from any heart disease and he went to a doctor two weeks ago for a certain indisposition, the matter that forced the authorities to autopsy his body to know the reason of his death,” he explained. “He has been detained since June 2007 for being suspected in threatening Iraqi and U.S. troops,” he added. He did not give further details. SH (P)/SR 1