Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP calls on Mashhadani to resign to avoid dismissal

BAGHDAD / MP from the Kurdistan Alliance called on Parliament’s Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani to resign, threatening that his bloc will agree with the suggestion to sack him if  presented in the Parliament. “The Kurdistan Alliance believes that al-Mashhadani became incapable of heading the Parliament because he does not have the necessary leadership skills,” Mahmoud Othman told “We will vote to sack him if he does not resign,” he asserted. On Wednesday, a heated debate erupted between Mashhadani and members of parliamentary committees over the issue of Iraqi Journalist Muntadhar al-Zaydi, who threw a pair of shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush at a Baghdad-based press conference last week. Mashhadani threatened to resign from the Parliament, while some blocs said they would boycott parliamentary sessions if he retained his post as speaker.   SH (P)/SR 1