Saturday, September 21, 2024


7, incl. kids, wounded in bombing near Mosul

NINEWA / Seven civilians, including two children, on Wednesday were wounded in a suicide bombing that ripped through a village near Mosul city, a local source said. “A truck bomb, driven by a suicide bomber, detonated in front of the house of Sheikh Younis Mohammed al-Rammah, a notable in al-Qayara district, in al-Aghr village (60 km south of Mosul),” the head of Ninewa’s southern al-Qayara district, Saleh Hassan, told “Seven civilians, including two children, were slightly wounded in the explosion…,” Hassan noted, adding that damage was reported to three houses in the area, including the Sheikh’s house. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SS (P) 1