Friday, September 20, 2024


Army soldiers detain TV correspondent in Mosul

NINEWA / Iraqi army soldiers detained a TV correspondent for allegedly being the eldest son of the finance minister in the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq group in eastern Mosul city on Monday, police said. “An army force detained on Monday the son of the finance minister in the Islamic State of Iraq group in al-Nour neighborhood, eastern Mosul,” a Ninewa police source told “The detained man, of the name Qutayba Ibrahim Rasheed, a correspondent for the Turkmen Eli channel, is wanted on charges of murder, plundering and forging identification cards,” the source said, adding Rasheed “was arrested based on intelligence tip-offs”. The source did not give further details. The Turkmen Eli is an Iraqi satellite channel that broadcasts material from the province of Kirkuk in both Arabic and Turkmen. Meanwhile, a media source in Ninewa said that Rasheed “was not known in the press and media circles and did not even register any presence in celebrations, occasions and news conferences”. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad.   AmR (P)/SR 1