Saturday, September 21, 2024


IAF to elect one of its members to replace al-Mashhadani

BAGHDAD / Head of the Sunni Iraqi Accord Front Adnan al-Dulaimi on Monday said that the bloc will adopt the elections way to select a new speaker of the parliament. “The bloc will hold internal elections to select a new speaker of the parliament,” al-Dulaimi told, noting that the IAF nominated a number of names to replace al-Mashhadani. “The bloc had selected al-Mashhadani at the same way,” he added. On December 23, the parliament accepted the resignation presented by Mahmoud al-Mashhadani during an extraordinary session after a heated debate erupted between al-Mashhadani and members of parliamentary committees over the issue of Iraqi Journalist Muntadhar al-Zaydi, who threw a pair of shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush at a Baghdad-based press conference last week.   SH (P)/SR 1