Friday, September 20, 2024


11 oilfields to be developed throughout Iraq

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Minister of Oil Hussein al-Shahrestani on Wednesday said that 11 oilfields throughout the country will be developed as part of a plan to increase production levels to 2.5 million barrels per day. “The oilfields set for development include Basra’s Majnoun, Gharb al-Qarna (second stage), al-Sayba, and Ghazi,” an official spokesperson for the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, Aasem Jihad, told The plan also includes oilfields in the provinces of Missan, Thi-Qar, Baghdad, Wassit, Diala, Ninewa, and in al-Furat al-Awsat, the spokesperson explained. Al-Furat al-Awsat, a geographical area in southern and central Iraq at the Euphrates River Basin, encompasses the provinces of Najaf, Karbala, Diwaniya and Babel and sometimes al-Muthanna. SS (P) 1