Friday, September 20, 2024


U.S. envoy, top commander condemn Baghdad bombings

BAGHDAD / U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan C. Crocker and Top Commander General Ray Odierno have strongly denounced the bombings that ripped through Baghdad’s cities of Yusifiyah and al Kadhimiyah. “The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and Multi-National Force – Iraq strongly condemn the terrorist suicide bombing today near the Imam Musa Al-Kadhim shrine in al-Kadhimiyah, as well as the savage attack January 2 against a meeting of tribal leaders in Yusifiyah. We extend our sincere condolences to the families of the victims and their communities,” read a statement released by the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and received by news agency. “These horrific attacks, along with the December 11 suicide bombing in Kirkuk, demonstrate that despite the great progress we have made, Al-Qaeda in Iraq remains a lethal and dangerous threat to innocent men, women and children of all faiths and groups. They have killed pilgrims visiting sacred shrines during holy week, shaikhs whose tribe includes people of different faiths, and city leaders gathering to discuss national reconciliation efforts,” it noted. “We mourn the loss of innocent life. We remain as resolute and determined as ever to defeat the enemies of peace. The United States will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the government and people of Iraq to defeat these vicious terrorists and to build an Iraq that is secure, free and prosperous,” it added. SS (S) 1