Saturday, September 21, 2024


MNF finance new bridge in central Basra

BASRA / The Multinational forces in Iraq will finance the establishment of a new bridge in central Basra at a cost of $16.600 million, according to the official spokesman for the MNF. “Iraqi local officials signed a deal with Macdonald and Ibn Majed companies to set up a new bridge to replace the current al-Tanouma bridge on Shatt al-Arab river in central Basra,” Major Bill Young told news agency. “The signing ceremony was held on Friday (Jan. 9) at the Basra International Airport with the attendance of several local officials and representatives of the two companies,” he added. “The new bridge’s designs were made by Iraqi engineers,” he also said. Basra is 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. SH (P) 1