Friday, September 20, 2024


Head of Kurdistan Anfal victims organization reelected

ARBIL / The Head of the Kurdistan Anfal victims organization (Mu’nafili Kurdistan) , Zaman Abdo, was reelected on Monday for an additional four years. “We will continue our work for the cause of Kurdistan, for serving the victims’ families and to continue the trial against the perpetrators of the Anfal operations,” Zaman Abdo told news agency. “The organization will continue its efforts to discover the mass graves of the Anfal operations,” he added. Anfal was an anti-Kurdish campaign led by the former regime between 1986 and 1989 and involved a series of military campaigns against the Kurdish Peshmerga fighters as well as the mostly Kurdish civilian population of southern Kurdistan. Independent sources estimate there were 50,000 to more than 100,000 deaths in the campaign, in which chemical weapons were used, while Kurds claim about 182,000 people were killed.   SH (S)/SR 1