Saturday, September 21, 2024


Christian MP complains about pressures in Mosul

NINEWA / A Christian lawmaker on Saturday accused sides he did not name of limiting Christians’ political rights in al-Hamdaniya suburb, eastern Mosul, one week before provincial elections, where three Christian blocs are competing for provincial council seats. “Some bodies have threatened to dismiss anyone who attends my electoral lecture from his job,” Ablahad Afram said in a symposium in al-Hamdaniya suburb, 30 km east of Mosul city. “We wanted to participate in elections with unified lists, but other sides did not agree on this,” he said. “I demanded that we withdraw from the electoral process in Ninewa, Baghdad and Basra, as we deserve three seats in Ninewa and five in Baghdad,” he added. “Our rights have been confiscated by certain bodies,” he noted. He stressed that he decided to give up the idea of withdrawing from election following a suggestion made by the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. MH (P) /SS 1