Friday, September 20, 2024


Anbar police receive criminal file from U.S. troops

ANBAR / The Anbar police on Monday received the criminal file from U.S. forces during an official ceremony, the chief of the Anbar police said. “Receiving the criminal file from the U.S. forces is a big achievement as it contains state of the art equipments and well-trained cadre from senior officers,” General Tareq Youssef told news agency. For his part, the commander of the U.S. troops in Anbar, John Kelly, said “handing over the criminal file to Iraqis is a clear evidence of the improvement of Iraqi security forces and their readiness to maintain security and stability.” Anbar had received the security file last September. Ramadi, the capital of Anbar, is located 110 km west of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR   1