Friday, September 20, 2024


Indefinite curfew, traffic ban in Falluja

ANBAR / Local authorities in Falluja, Anbar province, imposed a curfew and traffic ban as of 06:00 p.m. until further notice within security measures to secure vote counting and moving of ballot boxes to their dedicated centers, according to a security source in the city. Falluja, the largest city of the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 45 km west of Baghdad. Anbar’s capital, Ramadi, is 110 km west of Baghdad. Anbar is the largest province in Iraq geographically. Encompassing much of the country’s western territory, it shares borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The province was known as Dulaim until 1962 when it was changed to Ramadi. In 1976 it was renamed al-Anbar. AmR (P)/SR 1