Friday, September 20, 2024


U.S. cmdr: Iran still supporting extremists in Iraq – report

BAGHDAD / The No. 2 U.S. commander in Iraq on Wednesday told the International Herald Tribune that Iran is still providing weapons, training, and funding to Shiite extremists in Iraq — an allegation the Iranians have consistently denied. Lt. Gen. Lloyd Austin says the number of weapons found on the battlefield has decreased thanks to the Iraqis improved control over the borders and U.S.-Iraqi military operations. He says “those activities have paid great dividends.” But he says American forces have found recently made rockets and mortars in Iraq and “that leads us to believe that support activity is still ongoing.” He also told reporters on Wednesday that some extremists who fled to Iran have returned and been captured. Tehran denies that it supports violence in Iraq, saying it wants its neighbor to be stable. MH (P)/SR 1