Friday, September 20, 2024


Arms depot found in Falluja

ANBAR / Police personnel on Sunday found a cache containing weapons and explosives in a deserted area in eastern Falluja city, according to a police chief. “An underground weapons cache was found in a deserted agricultural site in al-Laheeb area, eastern Falluja,” the head of Fursan al-Karma Center, Col. Saad Abbas, told news agency. “The cache contained six rockets, two Grad rockets, nine hand grenades, etc,” he added. Falluja was a scene of armed conflict between U.S. and Iraqi forces on the one hand and al-Qaeda gunmen on the other. Falluja, the largest city in Anbar, lies 45 km west of Baghdad; while Ramadi, the capital of the province, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. SS (P) 1