Friday, September 20, 2024


MRFC: 303 Iraqis killed by U.S. fire in 2008

BAGHDAD / A total of 303 Iraqis were intentionally or unintentionally killed by U.S. fire in 2008, according to the Iraqi Monitor of Constitutional Freedom and Bill of Rights (MRFC). “The monitor’s statistics have shown an increase in these transgressions since January 1, 2009,” according to a statement released by the organization and received by news agency. Since the beginning of the current year, 15 were killed and six were wounded in Baghdad, Ninewa, al-Qadissiya, Babel, Kirkuk and Missan, the statement noted, adding that most of the casualties were civilians and some were children and women. The MRFC is a non-profit organization that seeks to monitor human rights violations in Iraq. SS (P) 1