Sunday, September 22, 2024


2 wanted persons nabbed in Mosul

NINEWA / Two wanted suspected members of the armed group Islamic State of Iraq were arrested during a security operation by the Iraqi army in eastern Mosul on Sunday, an Iraqi army official said. “Soldiers from the army’s 5th Brigade arrested today (Feb. 22) two wanted men in a raid in al-Intissar neighborhood, eastern Mosul,” the source told news agency. “Six improvised explosive devices and fake identification cards were seized inside the house of one of the wanted men,” he added. The Islamic State of Iraq, announced to have been set up in October 2006, is the parent organization of seven armed groups, including al-Qaeda in Iraq. The State, led by a man of the name Abu Omar al-Boghdadi, is active in central and western Iraq provinces. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 1