Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq keens to have best relations with Italy – PM

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Monday said that the government is keen to have the best relations with Italy on various domains, according to a statement from his office. “ Al-Maliki on Monday (March 2) received at his office in Baghdad Italian Minister for Economic Development, Claudio Scajola, and discussed with them means to bolster bilateral relations,” said the statement received by news agency. “ The premier instructed the concerned ministries to speed up the work to achieve the signed agreements and protocols between the two countries,” it added. “ The Italian minister lauded the recent provincial council elections which were held in a safe atmosphere,” it also said. “ Al-Maliki called on the Italian companies to contribute in rebuilding Iraq as the rest of the international companies which entered the Iraqi market,” it said. The two discussed also and agreement to provide the Iraqi navy with military boats and choppers. SH (P)/SR 1