Friday, September 20, 2024


Talabani hopes PKK will lay down arms

BAGHDAD / Iraqi President Jalal al-Talabani has expressed his hope that Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters will respond to an upcoming appeal to lay down arms, the Hurriyet Daily News said on Wednesday. “The terror organization PKK is expected to heed a forthcoming appeal to lay down their arms, Talabani also said in remarks published Wednesday,” according to the Turkish newspaper. “Kurdish political groups from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Europe will make a joint appeal to the PKK to end its armed activities in a conference expected to be held in April or May in the northern Iraqi city of Arbil.” “I believe the PKK will accept the wishes of all Kurdish parties; laying down arms and bringing an end to the violence,” the newspaper quoted Talabani, himself a Kurd, as telling the Sabah daily. “It will be an important step. I hope Turkey would later take measures to persuade them to return from the mountains,” Talabani noted. “The terrorists, however, are not expected to disband the PKK, Talabani told the daily.” “‘I do not think they are ready for that at present,’ he said.” “Talabani, who attended the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul, discussed cooperation and security issues with Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. “The two neighboring countries had intensified relations which have been hit by the security concerns.” SS (S)/SR 1