Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan Parliament approves elections law

ARBIL / The Kurdistan Parliament on Wednesday okayed new amendments to the general elections law in light of proposals made by the regional government last month. The new amendments include the formation of a judicial authority in the Court of Cessation to examine cases and complaints filed by political blocs and individuals. The amendments will also allow Kurds outside the Kurdistan region to take part in the parliamentary elections and will enable security personnel and hospital-bound to cast ballots on a special voting day. Speaker Adnan al-Mufti said that the law will be sent to the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) in order to set a final date for the region’s elections, saying that a date of May 19 has been suggested by the Parliament for the polls. The 111-member Parliament has also voted against a proposal to adopt an open list system with a majority of 63 against 14. Several parliamentarians have abstained from voting. SS (P)/SR 1