Friday, September 20, 2024


Doha summit wraps up, Iraq makes reservation on final communiqué

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Monday expressed his reservation on the article related to Iraq in the Doha summit’s final communiqué. “The communiqué issued does not explain the recent improvement and development in the country and does not cope with the Arab summit’s assertion of the recent democratic developments and security achievements,” al-Maliki said, noting that the article indicates that the summit does not recognize what has been realized in Iraq from achievements. “Iraq has the right to host the Arab summit in 2010 in Baghdad, and this will mean a lot to us because it will assert that Iraq returned to its normal position and to the Arab family,” the premier said. “In order to hold a summit seemly for Iraq and with Arab leaders, it has been agreed with the president of the summit and the Arab League secretary general that Iraq will keep its right to hold the summit in 2011 to finalize all logistic arrangements,” al-Maliki explained. SH (P)/SR 1