Saturday, September 21, 2024


UN chief condemns Baghdad bombings

BAGHDAD / UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Monday condemned the series of explosions that took place in Baghdad, during which scores were killed and injured, the UN said in a statement. “The secretary-general strongly condemns the string of bombings that struck a marketplace and other locations in Baghdad today, killing a large number of civilians and injuring many others,” a statement issued by Ban’s spokesperson Michele Montas said. “The secretary-general extends his condolences to the families of the deceased,” the statement said. “The secretary-general is confident that the people of Iraq will reject these reprehensible attempts to provoke sectarian violence in the country,” the statement said. “He urges them to continue undeterred in their efforts to achieve lasting peace and national reconciliation,” the statement said. “The United Nations remains committed to supporting the Iraqi people toward these ends.” Seven car bombs went off on Monday (April 6) in a marketplace and other locations in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, leaving 34 civilians dead and scores wounded. SH (S)/ SR 1