Saturday, September 21, 2024


Tight security measures in Falluja

ANBAR / Tight security measures were adopted in Falluja on Tuesday as all inlets were closed and police patrols patrolled the city fearing from further armed attacks after the suicide explosion that took place earlier in the day, according to a police source. “All inlets were closed after receiving information indicating the presence of two car bombs in the city,” the source told news agency. “These measures have been adopted after the suicide car bomb blast that took place on earlier on Tuesday (April 7),” he explained. “Police forces started a searching campaign of cars in the city,” he added. Falluja residents started also blood donations to the hospital to help the wounded. A police source had said earlier that a suicide bomber blew up a booby-trapped car on Tuesday (April 7) near a checkpoint in Nahr Flieh Ajbeel, south of Falluja, killing a civilian and injuring 35, including five policemen. Falluja, Anbar province, lies 45 km west of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 1