Saturday, September 21, 2024


Demonstrators want Wassit governor out of office

WASSIT / For the second day in a row, several residents of Wassit have demonstrated in front of its provincial council building calling for the election of a new governor. “We call on the provincial council to put the city’s interests above personal and partisan interests,” one of the demonstrators, Mohammed al-Quraishi, told news agency. Meanwhile, Moniem al-Shamri, another demonstrator, said, “We took to the streets today to tell the head of the Dawlat al-Qanoon (State of Law) Coalition that Wassit Governor Lateef Hameed al-Turfa is unwelcome in the province at the time being.” Turfa, a member of the State of Law Coalition, has won in the recent provincial council elections. Kut, the capital city of Wassit province, lies 180 km southeast of Baghdad. SS (P)/SR 2