Friday, September 20, 2024


Babel ready to receive investments – U.S. adviser

BABEL / The senior adviser of the U.S. reconstruction team on Wednesday said that Babel province is ready to receive foreign investments, after the rehabilitation of the training center in Al-Iskandariya at a total cost of $5.4 million. “The team rehabilitated the center, 55 km north of Hilla city, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,” the adviser said in a release received by news agency. “The center is essential for the efforts to bring foreign investments into Babel province, as it currently has the ability to train 4000 persons,” he said. “Prior to its rehabilitation, the center’s capacity could not exceed 30 trainees,” he added. Hilla, the capital city of Babel province, lies 100 km south of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR 1