Friday, September 20, 2024


Cabinet considers Kut attack violation of security agreement – spokesman

BAGHDAD / The Council of Ministers considered the attack waged by the U.S. forces in Kut as an unacceptable violation of the forces withdrawal agreement, the official spokesman for the Iraqi government said in a statement on Tuesday “The Council of Ministers reviewed the regrettable aggression carried out by the U.S. forces in Kut on Sunday (April 26), asserting it represents an unacceptable violation of the forces’ withdrawal agreement between the two countries,” Ali al-Dabagh said in the statement received by news agency. “The council called on the U.S. side to reconsider the incident in the light of the agreement’s articles,” the statement added, without giving further details. On Sunday (April 26), a local security source said a man and a woman were killed by U.S. soldiers’ fire during a raid on their house in central al-Kut city. “U.S. forces raided a house in 14 Tammuz neighborhood, central Kut, during the early hours of Sunday, killing a man and his sister-in-law and arresting four other family members,” the source told “The two bodies were carried to al-Zahraa hospital morgue in Kut. The four arrested people were all men, including a local police officer in the rank of captain,” he added. “All the detainees are brothers and were taken to the Delta military base, (7 km) western Kut, a post taken by the Multi-National Force as headquarters,” he said. The commander of U.S. forces in Wassit presented hi apology for killing a man and a woman during the raid of their house, asserting that the U.S. army is committed to implement the articles of the security agreement. SH (S)/SR 1