Friday, September 20, 2024


Republican Assembly urges authorities to hunt down Christians’ killers

BAGHDAD / The secretary general of the Iraqi Republican Assembly has called on the security apparatus to hunt down those behind the attacks on Christians in Kirkuk province. “The secretary general of the assembly, Saad Asem al-Jinabi, condemns the criminal acts that targeted a number of Christian families in Kirkuk,” according to a statement released by the assembly and received by news agency. Jinabi called on all constituents of the province, Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, and Chaldo-Assyrians- to unite and to reject all forms of external interference. On Sunday (April 26), one Christian civilian was killed and two others were wounded in an attack on their house in southwestern Kirkuk. Meanwhile, a woman was killed and another was wounded in a similar attack on their house in southern Kirkuk. Kirkuk, an oil-rich and mixed city of Kurds, Turkmen, Christians and Arabs, lies 250 km northeast of Baghdad. SS (P) 1