Saturday, September 21, 2024


Security campaign launched in Falluja

ANBAR / A security campaign was launched in search of weapons and wanted “terrorist” elements to the east of the city of al-Falluja on Sunday, a security source from al-Anbar province said. “A combined force from the 6th Anbar Emergency Contingent and local police set up a security cordon around the eastern Falluja neighborhoods of al-Shurta, al-Dhobbat, al-Jegheifi and al-Askari in search of whatever weapons and explosives remained, as well as wanted men who have ties to armed groups,” the source told news agency. “The force embarked on a house-to-house search and imposed a curfew and vehicle ban in these areas pending the completion of the campaign,” he added. Falluja, the largest city in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, has been a stage for acts of violence and armed operations since 2004. Falluja, 45 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, restored stability only after the tribal sahwa (awakening) forces flushed al-Qaeda network gunmen out. AmR (P)/SR 1