Friday, September 20, 2024


Weapons, explosives cache found in Falluja

ANBAR / Police forces in Anbar province on Monday discovered a cache of arms and explosives in northern Falluja city, according to a local security source. “On Monday, police forces from al-Saqlawiya district found an underground weapons cache in al-Zaghareed area, northern Falluja,” the source told news agency. “The cache contained 10 rockers, seven Katyushas, 30 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and wires used in the manufacturing of bombs,” the source explained. “Twenty cannon balls 60 mm, 16 mortar shells 120 mm, 10 anti-armor rockets, and three missiles 57 mm… were also seized,” the source added. Falluja was a scene of armed conflict between U.S. and Iraqi forces on the one hand and al-Qaeda gunmen on the other. Falluja, the largest city in Anbar, lies 45 km west of Baghdad; while Ramadi, the capital of the province, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. SS (P) 1